Prepare For A Professional Belly Dance Performance
The first performance as a soloist or a troupe member is difficult as most people are uncomfortable being the center of attention. There is one additional fear when part of a group… making a mistake. A mistake in a troupe is noticeable because it is obviously different from other members, attracting unwanted attention.
A child making a mistake during a children’s recital is cute. But when an adult makes a mistake, the person making the error feels terrible as she thinks everyone saw the mistake and she feels that she has let down other troupe members.
Dancing before an audience becomes easier with each performance as you become comfortable with people watching. The comfort level is created by focusing on the dance which you have created and sharing your talent with the audience. An entertainer is focused on the audience, not her self.
Are you ready?
- Have you gained experiences with a variety of shows?
- Are costumes of show quality?
- Do you have a library of dance steps committed to body memory?
- Have you learned acting skills to keep the audience attentive?
- Do you have business knowledge of advertising, publicity, marketing, and selling?
- Have you designed contracts for your clients?
Experiences are gained during training under the guidance of a teacher. All performances are reviewed in the classroom in order to correct or improve dancing skills.
Costumes are critical to performances. It is important to know your chosen style of dance. Are you a generalist or a specialist? Costumes are expensive. You need to have a minimum of three costumes.
Dance steps and routines need to be committed to body memory to imprint movements for smoothness and accuracy. It is to your advantage to rehearse performances in order to be rewarded with appreciation, word of mouth advertising, referrals, and financial compensation.
Personality and acting skills are added to the technical movements and steps to entertain the audience. Add drama, comedy, happiness, and other emotions to the story line of the music. The art of belly dancing includes audience participation. The audience needs to be included in your performance routine.
As a professional, knowledge and application of basic business skills is essential. The most important are advertising, marketing, publicity, and selling. You will need to invest and promote your self in order to get numerous gigs or jobs.
The contract is an agreement between the performer and the client relieving any concerns for both parties. The contract answers questions or concerns of both parties. Write on the contract all items of importance for clarity of all agreements. Include the amount of payment for services and products. All parties receive a copy of the agreement form and a receipt for monies paid.