Evenings for Educators: The Portable Universe
Evenings for Educators: The Portable Universe
Thu, 07/14/2022 – 13:37
Join us for an eye-opening look at The Portable Universe / El Universo en Tus Manos: Thought and Splendor of Indigenous Colombia! Featuring approximately 400 works, this groundbreaking exhibition presents the diversity and materiality of ancient Colombian cultures and reframes how we approach ancient Colombian art. The exhibition draws heavily on contemporary Indigenous understandings to evoke a worldview in which ancient artworks have relevance for today and the future. Enjoy a lecture, dinner, and workshops, and connect with the LACMA campus for an evening to remember!
4:30–6 pm: Arrive, check in, and explore the galleries
6–6:50 pm: Lecture in BCAM, Level 1, with curator Julia Burtenshaw
6:50–7:30 pm: Dinner on the Smidt Welcome Plaza
7:40–8:30 pm: Workshops throughout campus
Parking is available in the Pritzker Parking Garage on 6th St. and tickets will be validated at registration.
Watch the documentary video series for this exhibition, check out our accompanying curricular resources, and view recordings of previous programs.
In alignment with L.A. County policy for County venues, LACMA continues to require approved masks indoors for all visitors, staff, and volunteers, regardless of vaccination status.

-Tue, 09/20/2022 – 20:30
Image: Breastplate [Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Gift of Alfred C. Glassell, Jr., photo © Museum of Fine Arts, Houston] and figurative ocarina [Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Muñoz Kramer Collection, gift of Jorge G. and Nelly de Muñoz and Camilla Chandler Frost] showing powerful individuals in centered positions, against a backdrop of the Caribbean coastline, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, photo © Jota Arango
Learn more about the complete catalogue of LACMA programs for all ages—many free. Discover film screenings, art talks and classes, music, creative fun for kids, wellness activities, and more.
General public $15
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